2020.05.24 Sermon by Pastor David Nelson “Jesus’ Apostles and Disciples Obey and Wait” 2020.05.03 Acts 2.41-47 “The Marks of a Free and Living Congregation”2020.04.26 Luke 24.13-35 “The First Easter_He is risen, as the Scriptures said” 2020.04.19 John 20:24-31 “Jesus Ministers to His Apostles and His Disciples”2020.04.12 Matthew 28.1-10 He is Risen Just as He Said2020.04.05 John 12:12-19 “From Palm Sunday and Beyond Towards Good Friday and the Cross”2020.04.01 John 11.17-27,38-53 One Man Had to Die for All the People
https://bcoparishpastor.podbean.com/mf/play/6825pp/2020_04_01_John_11_17-27_38-53_One_Man_Had_to_Die_for_All_the_People.mp3 2020.03.29 Romans 8.1-11 You are Free From Condemnation through the Lord Jesus Christ 2020.03.25 Ephesians 5.8-17 Walk in the Light and in Wisdom 2020.03.22 John 9.1-41 “How a Blind Man Saw Jesus” 2020.03.18 John 4.5-42 Learning Personal Evangelism from the Master Evangelist 2020.03.15 Romans 5.1-8 The Results of the Righteousness that Comes From God 2020.03.08 Romans 4.1-8, 13-17 Justification by Faith 2020.03.01 Romans 5.12-19 The Curse of Death 2020.02.26 Matthew 6.1-6, 16-21 Practicing Your Righteousness… 2020.02.23 2 Peter 1.16-21 2020.02.16 1 Corinthians 3.1-11 No Other Foundation 2020.02.09 1 Corinthians 2.1-16 The Message of the Cross is Wisdom from the Holy Spirit and not the Wisdom of this World 2020.02.02 Hebrews 2.14-18 The Reasons for the Incarnation 2020.01.26 1 Corinthians 1.10-18 The Imperfect Church 2020.01.19 1 Corinthians 1.1-9 The Perfect Church 2020.01.12 Matthew 3.17-32 The Baptism of the Lord Jesus Christ 2020.01.05 Ephesians 1.3-14 Our Spiritual Blessings in Christ 2019.12.24 John 1.1-14 The Word Became Flesh 2019.12.22 Matthew 1.18-25 The Birth of Jesus Christ 2019.12.15 Matthew 11.2-11 Jesus Tells John about the Christ and Jesus Tells the Crowds about John2019.12.05 Romans 15.1-13 True Christian Unity2019.12.01 Romans 13.8-14 The Christian Life is A Walk of Love and a Walk in Light2019.11.27 Philippians 4.4-20 Thanksgiving Service2019.11.24 Luke 23.32-43 Christ is the King How do people respond to Him2019.11.17 Luke 21.5-36 Is This The End-Be Ready for Christ’s Return-Our Redemption is Drawing Near2019.11.10 Luke 20.27-40 Sparring with the Sadducees2019.10.27 Romans 3.19-28 Reformation Sunday2019.10.20 Luke 18.1-8 Pray Always and Don’t Give Up2019.10.06 Luke 17.1-10 Wrong Thinking and Right Thinking Regarding Being a Disciple of Jesus2019.09.29 Luke 10.1-20 The Sending of the Seventy-two2019.09.22 Luke 16.1-15 No Servant Can Serve Two Masters2019.09.15 Luke 15.1-10 Lost and Found2019.09.08 Luke 14.25-35 The Cost of Being a Disciple of the Lord Jesus Christ is High2019.09.01 Luke 14.1-14 As a Disciple of Jesus, You are to Walk in Humility2019.08.25 Luke 13.22-30 Strive to Enter through the Narrow Door2019.08.18 Luke 12.49-53 Jesus Came to Bring Peace on Earth, Right? Not So Much!2019.08.11 Luke 12.22-34 Do Not Worry or Be Anxious–You Have a Gracious Heavenly Father2019.07.21 Luke 10.38-42 Sitting at the Feet of Jesus2019.07.14 Luke 10.25-37 Jesus Uses Law to Show Sin2019.06.02 Revelation 22.1-21 The End–and the Beginning2019.05.26 Revelation 21.9-14, 21-27 The Bride, The Wife of the Lamb2019.05.19 Revelation 21.1-8 Our Lord Jesus is with His Church—He is with Us—Now and Forever2019.05.12 Revelation 7.2-14 The Church in Conflict and the Church at Rest2019.05.05 Revelation 5.1-14 Worthy is the Lamb Who Was Slain for Us and for Our Salvation2019.04.28 Revelation 1.1-14 Our Lord Jesus is with His Church—He is with Us 2019.04.21 Easter Sunday–Jesus is Risen, Just as He Said Luke 24.1-122019.04.14 Philippians 2.1-11 Understanding and Reflecting the Mind of Christ2019.04.07 Philippians 3.1-14 Confidence in the Gospel not in Flesh2019.03.31 Luke 15.1–2,11–32 The Departure and Restoration of the Backslidden and the Rescuing of the Lost2019.03.24 Luke 13.1-9 Jesus Desires that Everyone Repent and Trust in Him Alone for the Forgiveness of Sins and Eternal Life2019.03.17 Luke 4.1-13 The Temptation of the Lord Jesus Christ2019.03.08 Psalm 91 Funeral Mildred Frislie2019.03.06 Ash Wednesday Luke 23.34-43 How People Respond to Christ the King2019.03.03 Luke 6.27–38 The Sermon on the Plain pt2 2019.02.17 Luke 6.17-26 The Sermon on the Plain 1 of 2 https://bcoparishpastor.podbean.com/mf/play/cjec5y/2019_02_17_Luke_6_17-26_The_Sermon_on_the_Plain_1_of_2.mp3